Health and Safety When Working With Electricity


Tuesday, November 12th 2019
Although electricity being around for a long time and we have learned to harness its massive potential for bettering the lives of millions of people around the world, the basic risk element attached to electricity has never changed. It is hard to imagen in the 21 century what life can be without it and indeed there not many people who had never experienced it. Our electrical systems and instruments had gone through a revolution and progressed away beyond the simple light bulb with the cotton filament once used and yet modern electrical use and equipment still face the same risk to human lives as it did at the beginning of the 20th century. Anyone who ever received an electric shock can bare witness to it. What we did get better at is controlling the system and establishing better safety procedures. The Health & Safety at Work Act 1974 states that employers are responsible for ensuring the health and safety of their employees and the public if they are at risk from work activities. Later to be repackaged at the Electricity at Work Regulations 1989. Working with electricity and repairing circuits is no exception, the regular tests and checks of health and safety procedure still apply. The main hazard when dealing with electrical objects is the risk of electric shock and subsequent burns caused by direct contact with live electricity. On occasions, it has led to explosions caused by using unsuitable equipment and static electricity. Further, the risk of arcing or fire from faulty equipment is present too. Indirectly electric shock can lead to other injuries such as falling off ladders etc. Companies must asses the hazards facing both their employees and customer alike and to create a safety policy. That involve regular checks on all tools and gadgets used. Presented by NW Electrical