
Accurate Junk Car Removal

  • Auto Services
  • King George, VA 22485
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Accurate Junk Car Removal
6269 Caledon Rd Zone B
King George
22485 VA
United States
(540) 999-4666

Accurate Junk Car Removal is your trusted solution for turning used and unwanted vehicles into cash With our same-day towing service, we cater to all types of vehicles, regardless of their condition, making the process seamless and hassle-free Proudly serving King George, Richmond, Alexandria, Washington, and the surrounding areas, we guarantee the best prices for your scrap cars Our dedicated team is committed to providing complete assistance, ensuring you get the most out of your unwanted vehicles while contributing to a greener environment Choose Accurate Junk Car Removal for reliable service and exceptional value!

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Junk Car Removal

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