
Earthling Automotive

  • Auto Services
  • San Francisco, CA 94124
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Earthling Automotive
615 Bayshore Blvd
San Francisco
94124 CA
United States
(415) 875-9030

SF independent repair shop specializing in Prius, Teslas and other hybrids and EVs Honest, transparent and reliable Calling upon over 15 years of hands-on experience, our technicians have the expertise to serve Prius owners (including the newer Prius 4, Prius V, and Prius C), Tesla (Model Y, Model 3 and Model S) Also service ICE/gas vehicles Affordable rates You will have online access to your records 24/7, with transparent documentation of your estimates and repairs, including photos and videos Comfortable lobby with WIFI and espresso.

Products & services
Auto Repair Shop
Auto Repair Services
Electric Vehicle Repair
Hybrid Repair Specialist
Mechanical services
Brake services
EV Door Handle Replacement
Catalytic converter services
Computer recalibration
Tires and alignment
Air conditioning services
EV maintenance and repair
EV and Hybrid battery services
Headlight replacement
Hybrid oil changes
Hybrid maintenance and repair

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