
Golden Hook Towing

  • Auto Services
  • Pittsburgh, PA 15211
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Golden Hook Towing
1809 Greenleaf St Pittsburgh PA 15211
15211 PA
United States
Mon-Sun | Open 24 hours
(412) 394-8200

Golden Hook Towing will serve the Pittsburgh areas as the finest towing service to the best of our ability If you require towing, we are available every hour of every day and can assist you swiftly and economically Our highly trained operators can give our unique brand of expert towing services whenever and wherever required Golden Hook Towing has cultivated a loyal clientele in the Avella and Pittsburgh area due to its dependable, inexpensive towing and emergency roadside assistance Our team has significant experience with towing and recovery, and they are ready to assist you Regarding towing, you can rely on our highly qualified staff’s knowledge.

Products & services
towing service
roadside assistance

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