

  • Auto Services
  • Atlanta, GA 30342
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5607 Glenridge Dr,
30342 GA
United States
+1 248-951-9528

Mapzot is the first AI for Commercial Real Estate with one of the largest databases of retail-focused businesses Mapzot provides clients with a single platform with unique AI-powered tools that are easy to use. Mapzot tracks more than 8m+ locations encompassing more than 40B SF and more than 8,000 brands throughout the United States Mapzot's Parcel data has over 3200+ counties and monitors over 50,000 in closed transactions on a daily basis Mapzot's clients include leading national REITs, Institutions, Large Developers, Family owned businesses, National real estate firms, Local leasing brokers, Property owners, and managers of commercial property, Mapzot aims to promote data-driven decision-making and enable every professional to adopt the technology.

Products & services
real estate site selection software
retail site selection software
retail location analysis software
retail store site selection
retail store location analysis
retail location selection california
retail location selection michigan
retail location selection georgia
foot traffic data california
foot traffic data georgia

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