
Prestige Tint & Detail

  • Auto Services
  • Portland, ME 04103
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Prestige Tint & Detail
43 Morrill St
04103 ME
United States
(207) 222-3025

Here at Prestige Tint & Detail, we have a passion for Cars, and we are dedicated to providing top quality services using top quality products Whether you have a minivan daily driver to get the kids around or a million-dollar dream car we are well trained and set up to handle the job We want you to enjoy the comfort of knowing your vehicle is in good hands and a safe environment At Prestige Tint & Detail, we treat every vehicle like it is our own​Give us a call or text or you can just shoot us an email and we will come to you or book you at our location Then you can enjoy a clean & happy vehicle and you will feel the freshness of your car again!

Products & services
auto detailing
paint correction
ceramic coating

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