
Shelvers Hill Garage Ltd

  • Auto Services
  • London KT20
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Shelvers Hill Garage Ltd
2 Shelvers Hill, Tadworth
KT20 5PU
United Kingdom
01737 817988

At our garage in Tadworth, we’re pleased to offer our customers a wide variety of services to cater to all their mechanical needs From an MOT test, coolant change and brake fluid replacement to an air conditioning regas and diagnostic test, you can be confident in a professional service We always want the best for our customers which is why we also provide a luxury waiting room with free WIFI, so you can carry on with your daily tasks while you wait for your car The mechanics at J R Services (Tadworth Ltd) are trained to the highest standards to ensure that your vehicle gets the service it deserves.

Products & services
MOT testing and servicing
Mar 18, 2020

My first time, felt right and they didn't fail my car on some stupid fault