
Shorewood Home & Auto

  • Auto Services
  • Crete, IL 60417
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Shorewood Home & Auto
3445 Eagle Nest Drive
60417 IL
United States
(708) 672-7511

Shorewood Home & Auto is a local lawn mower, ATV, utility vehicle, snowmobile, power equipment and tractor dealer that has been serving the Crete area since 2008 We carry popular brands like John Deere, Polaris, Yamaha, Stihl, Exmark, Wright Stander, Echo and more We also have the parts you need and a service department to tune and repair all the product lines we offer Visit our Crete showroom or browse our website to see everything that makes us your one-stop shop for work and play!

Products & services
John Deere Dealer
UTV Dealer
Snowmobile Dealer
Tractor Dealer
Lawn Mower Dealer

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